Help the Slums Underprivileged Children to Get Basic Education

Hi Gracious Friends,

My Name is Lalitha Sampathi and I Am secretary at the sampathi foundation (Charity), It is an non - profit #charity organization, see this website . Me and our team are working for #education of Hyderabad slums underprivileged #children to develop educational intelligence, and build educated best society. We are motivating to slums poor families in 19 slums of Hyderabad to send their school dropout children to our "Free Study centers" for basic education, and we are providing freely all books, stationery, school bags and school shoes for better very interesting education, and their innovative footpaths is inspiring and further motivates more children to develop an interest in education and learning. Our charity work brings a positive #contribution to poor communities, making a difference in many children's lives. We are trying to reach 1000 school dropout slums underprivileged children to provide basic education at our “free study centers” but we #need your #support and helping. 
Please #help the slums underprivileged children to get education and bright future by donating generously, 


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